Saturday, June 13, 2015

Summer 2015 Update

2012 Maine Founders anticipating the roll of the 100s die.
There is no roll with a Maine Founders Amulet.
We have five Maine Founders joining the "Jewel of the Dragon's Eye" crew this summer. What does that mean? The Maine Founders are those detectives who joined Dragon's Eye during its first season in Maine. Each of them has a Founders Amulet, which brings one powerful spell that costs no jewels and is guaranteed to work.

I guess the other side will have to step up their game.

Here's an update on enrollment:
Session I July 6 - 10  Winterlands (Ages 6-9) -- FULL
Session IA July 13 - 17  Black Skystone of Doom (Ages 6 - 9) -- OPEN
Session II July 20 - 27  Pepper's Ghost (Ages 9 -12) -- OPEN
Session III July 27 - 31  Wind Horse (Ages 9 - 12) -- OPEN
Session IV Aug 3 - 7  Jewel of the Dragon's Eye (Ages 11 - 16) -- FULL