Monday, June 24, 2013

Newsletter and Location

The Firebird in the Garden
by Dory Magan, 2000
Dragon's Eye Ventures begins next Monday, July 1, with the first of five adventures this summer. We are changing locations on the Bowdoin campus: We'll be in Room 209 of Sills Hall, on the corner of North Campus Drive and Bath Rd. Newsletters have gone out to registered families--please read these with care! They contain daily schedules, a special invitation to our Friday presentations, and all kinds of information about the program's policies and procedures.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"The Midnight Cat" -- A little French jewel heist with Egyptian roots

The Midnight Cat
R L McNulty 2013
Micron pen & colored pencil
"The Midnight Cat" has one of my all-time favorite bad guys--a jewel thief and shadowmage with a fondness for codes. The story taps into some obscure shadow puppet history from the famous Parisian café known as Le Chat Noir. Henri Riviere is the artist best-known for his elaborate explorations in shadow puppetry--and naturally, we will be following in his footsteps with a little shadow magic of our own.

There are echoes of Egypt in this mystery, lurking under the surface of 19th century France, as the cat has a story that stretches back in time. A little French, a little Egyptian, a little classic jewel thievery and mischief--it all combines to create one of my favorite adventures. A story that won't stop rewriting itself.

Session IV: The Midnight Cat
July 22-26
Ages 9 - 13

Click here for the basic story.
Visit our Facebook page to see our album of shady characters.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Three-Penny Mysteries

Here's something to do with those pennies collecting dust in jars and piggy banks. Bring a few to Dragon's Eye Ventures this summer and invest in a Three-Penny Mystery from Madame Drak.

This is no ordinary fortune-teller's booth--it's a miniature puppet booth currently in the works, part of the backstory that frames the Dragon's Eye adventures.

This is the design for the booth. Photos will be coming as the booth is constructed.