Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Fall 2023: Plans in the Works

Fall is my favorite time of year, but never more than this year, as I move out of recovery mode into planning mode. As I write this, thiry or forty crows are sifting through the leaves in our woods, and eating the beechnuts that give our road its name. They remind me that sifting and nourishing are a part of the creative process.

I have spent my summer healing and sifting through the Dragon's Eye designs and stories, working on family ancestry and photos. This has nourished me during the healing process, and as fall sweeps over our woods, I have started the process of a return to the work world.

Dragon's Eye is on my mind -- and happily, in the works! I am laying groundwork for a return to school vacation and summer programs, and will make an announcement soon about more specifics.

With so much going awry in the world, we need programs that teach about our interconnectness to nature, to other people and to world history. We need our imaginations working on finding solutions that preserve one another's diginity and space in the world -- and we need to remember that we are one small part of a larger whole. We need to look back in order to look forward, so we can cultivate wisdom in the present.

Dragon's Eye will return, with old and new adventures. The sifting and sorting is turning to planning and building again. I hope to see my old detective friends again -- we have more myths to explore, more art to make, and more off-the-page discoveries to find.