Sunday, February 28, 2016

Summer 2016 Session I: Shining Jewel of the Tides

The Sea Witch & The Selkie
Pen & Colored Pencil
RL McNulty, 2016
Our first summer session for ages 6 to 9 features a case drawn from Irish and Scottish tales about the Selkies, seals who turn into humans and back into seals again. The story begins with a request for help from the youngest Selkie, who tells the Detectives about a Sea Witch who has stolen the Jewel of the Tides.

Sea Witches specialize in water magic. This one is just a tad miffed at a certain magical fish known as the Salmon of Knowledge. She's threatening to unleash the Tonn Taoide, the tidal wave, upon the mortal lands, if she doesn't get her way.

Can the Detectives locate the Salmon of Knowledge in time?

We'll be making Black Seal Stones and Quartz Salmon Callers as our projects. Black Seal Stones are soft river stones used to call upon the Selkies for help.

Quartz Salmon Callers are special stones laid in rivers on moonlit nights during the salmon-running season. The quartz reflects the moonlight and the salmon are drawn to them. Use the Quartz Caller in the secret grove where the Salmon of Knowledge appears, and you just may have a visitor.