Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, New Programs, Starting with ML King Jr. Day

Happy New Year to Dragon's Eye family and friends!

A whole new list of adventures and art days is finally up on the Current Programs page. I'm offering the usual holiday and school vacation programs, plus a few days that only Brunswick schools have off.

The summer program list of adventures is also on view. I've kept the first four weeks as one-week programs, and am testing a single two-week program at the end of the summer. This seems like the best of both worlds. It gives families some flexibility, if they only want a single week -- and allows my older detectives to take a deep dive into some Finnish folklore.

We start the year with some Tomte Winter Wonderland fun on Monday, Jan. 20. This is an art day for all things Tomte. The boys have already started our winter fun by making sleds for the Tomtes at our November art day -- so we'll make more sleds so that every Tomte can have one. (See the photo of their sleds above this!)

Registration forms are on a new page on the website. I have pulled out the family information into its own form, so that parents fill that data out only once during the 2020 year. Registration for individual programs is done on the Registration Form, and must be filled out either seasonally or by each program.

Quick synopses of the adventures are here, to help with any deliberations over which weeks to enroll.

Session A, Jan. 20 -- An art program focused on Tomtes and winter.

Session B, February break--5-day adventure will be all about Tomtes, lizards and the underground lizard realms where the Jewel of Winter's Dreaming is hidden.

Session C, March 13 -- Art program all about March Hares -- Moon rabbits and their nests.

Session D, April 17 -- Art program all about Moon Landings -- space stations for our April vacation Skeeters (tiny alien robots in flying saucers).

Session E, April vacation--5-day adventure will be all about alien robots again, with a return of the Skeeters, tiny alien robots in flying saucers.

Summer Program

Session I: The Ship of Fools is a Russian-based folktale about a flying ship and the crazy crew that guides it through the heavens.

Session II: Yemaya's Dobbin draws on Afro-Caribbean myths of Yemaya, the Orisha of the ocean. Think Afro-Caribbean mermaids, seashorses and all manner of sea creatures.

Session III: Mask of Dreams is a Dragon's Eye classic about Morpheus the Greek god of dreams.

Session IV: The Market at Wit's End is a sequel to Goat and Ger from last summer. A certain goat from that adventure is missing its bejeebers again, and the detectives go in search of a legendary market where wits and bejeebers are traded by some rather dubious merchants. Too bad this market may only be reached via the sewers of London, guarded by a group of wild, black boars.

Session V: The Forest Apple is the two-week adventure. We'll be taking a deep dive into the wonderful world of Finnish folktales and myths from the Kalevala. Think dark boreal forests, northern lights, reindeer, and stars.