Tuesday, June 18, 2013

"The Midnight Cat" -- A little French jewel heist with Egyptian roots

The Midnight Cat
R L McNulty 2013
Micron pen & colored pencil
"The Midnight Cat" has one of my all-time favorite bad guys--a jewel thief and shadowmage with a fondness for codes. The story taps into some obscure shadow puppet history from the famous Parisian café known as Le Chat Noir. Henri Riviere is the artist best-known for his elaborate explorations in shadow puppetry--and naturally, we will be following in his footsteps with a little shadow magic of our own.

There are echoes of Egypt in this mystery, lurking under the surface of 19th century France, as the cat has a story that stretches back in time. A little French, a little Egyptian, a little classic jewel thievery and mischief--it all combines to create one of my favorite adventures. A story that won't stop rewriting itself.

Session IV: The Midnight Cat
July 22-26
Ages 9 - 13

Click here for the basic story.
Visit our Facebook page to see our album of shady characters.