Friday, April 18, 2014

Session V: The Book of Shadows

A book of shadows by R L McNulty
Our summer 2014 season will end with a journey into the underworld realms of "The Book of Shadows." This is an advanced adventure for ages 9 to 13, a story for the brave hearts among us.

A powerful Irish mage seeks “The Book of Shadows” in an attempt to open the portal between the realms of light and shadow. Can the Detectives stop him from releasing the vengeful Shadow Wraiths upon the mortal world or will the dreaded shadowy terrors walk the sunlit paths?

This adventure draws upon old Irish myths of the sun and the dark realms of the dead. Our activities will also focus on light and shadow, with books of shadows and sunspark stones. The books of shadow come alive when light shines through them. The most intriguing shadows are often the ones discovered and not planned.