Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Summer Internship with Dragon's Eye Ventures

O Captain, My Captain!
Photo by Ike Voorhees, Summer 2013
Dragon's Eye Ventures is looking for an intern for the Summer 2014 season. This is a unique opportunity to learn about the inner workings of adventure-based education. This is an unpaid internship that runs from Friday, June 27 through Friday, Aug. 8--six weeks and a day of adventuring with young people!

The intern will work side-by-side with Rebecca this summer, playing character roles in the adventures, running games and team challenge initiatives, helping detectives with their projects, and assisting with the daily tasks, such as snack and lunch. The hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM with a half-hour break around lunch time.

Applicants may send a resume and coverletter to