Thursday, March 30, 2017

Summer 2017 Session VI: The Dream King

The Dream King
R L McNulty 2017
The sixth session of the summer 2017 season runs from Aug. 7-11. The mystery is "The Dream King," an advanced adventure for ages 12 to 16.

The Detectives met Morpheus, the Greek god of dreams, during the 2014 adventure entitled "The Mask of Dreams." This summer, the mercurial dream god returns to ask for the Detectives' help.

The quest leads into the Greek dreamtime, where naiads and oceanids are the norm. Did I mention Charybdis? Yes, we’ll be facing Charybdis, which means Scylla will be there, too. Talk about trouble between a rock and a hard place ...

Our projects include dream amulets and handcranked story scrolls.