Saturday, August 4, 2018

Summer 2018, Session IV: Rag and Bone Man -- Recap

The fourth session featured a mystery called "The Rag and Bone Man." The detectives traveled back to the 19th century in search of the rag and bone man in Victorian London. They chose to begin their search in 1851, when they could blend in with the many foreign visitors attending the Great Exhibition.

The detectives visited Cloth Fair to find the shop of the rag and bone man named John Dunne. Cloth Faire is an old alley behind St. Bartholomew's Church, across from Smithfield. The adventure centered around this area, with multiple trips through time.

The group soon discovered that they were not the only ones seeking John Dunne. A friendly ophthalmologist offered some assistance, while two dapper gentlemen with steampunk wings offered some trouble. The detectives found an old shopkeeper who purchased their rag bundles for a few pennies. She knew of John Dunne's shop, but hadn't seen him in a while.

The team decided to visit the Great Exhibition while they were there. Then they were off in time again, still searching for Mr. Dunne. When they found him, he was very helpful, teaching them to make amulets powered with rag and bone magic.

Rag and bone magic is a deep kind of earth magic, drawn from the broken and discarded debris of human lives. It is mending and healing magic -- and very useful in scrying and spirit magic. The detectives needed a boon for Madame Drak -- and John sent them on a quest for the three items he needed to make it.

The first item took the detectives to the Bartholomew Fair in Elizabethan times. The second item led to St. Bartholomew's Hospital in the 12th century; and the third item led back to around 12,000 BCE. I won't reveal details here, since this mystery will be offered again. (No secrets before their time.)

Let's just say that a lady offered a helping hand, a gentleman kept an eye on things, and our two winged friends offered interference as often as they could. The team managed to make it through even the most dangerous challenges, and Madame Drak received her boon from the Rag and Bone Man.

Photos of the adventure are on the Dragon's Eye Adventures Facebook page. Pictures of the rag and bone amulets are there as well.