Thursday, March 3, 2022

Summer 2022, Session I: The Midnight Cat

The Midnight Cat
RL McNulty
The Summer 2022 season begins with "The Midnight Cat." The program runs from 9 AM to 4 PM on June 27 through July 1. This five-day adventure is for children entering grades 3 through 9. The location for the adventure is still being determined.

The mystery is among the oldest and most re-written stories from the Dragon's Eye treasury. It features my favorite villain, with the record for the most escapes. One group of detectives followed this elusive jewel thief through five different mysteries, until detectives were vowing to spend their entire professional years guarding the prison door.

This session introduces the character to our team.

A mysterious jewel thief known as the Midnight Cat leaves a trail of coded messages that leads the detectives on a wild romp through London. All roads lead to 19th century Paris, and the studio of an artist whose famous shadow plays hid a secret. Can the detectives catch this wily thief, or will the Midnight Cat vanish into the shadowlands following a game of cat and mouse?

We will be crafting Cat's Eye jewels and Shadow Puppets for this session.