Monday, February 19, 2024

Introducing James Jackman - Feb 2024

James Jackman will be joining me as a Program Assistant for the February vacation program. Here is what he has written about himself:

James is fifteen years old. He was born right here in Maine. All his life, he has taken care of his brothers and his friends, keeping an eye on them, playing with them and just having a good time with them. James has been good with kids his whole life, and is very patient with them.

He also knows a lot about Dragon's Eye. He first went to Dragon's Eye when he was in first grade, and has been going ever since.

Here are some of my observations about James, which support everything he has written about himself.

James joined the program in first grade and I learned quickly what a wonderful sense of humor he had.  He dove right into adventures, sometimes too quickly -- yet we learned that his quick thinking could get him out of as much trouble as he found!

He has been a valuable team member, with a wonderful sense of humor and an admirable ability to rally other children in creative yet free-wheeling ways. His friendships last -- he has built them in and out of the program, and Dragon's Eye has benefited from his community building.

James has built many art skills during his time with the program. He was one of my chaos sewers when he first tested his ability with needle and thread. The stitches were wonky, yet somehow, he managed to create a pouch that was still open, so it could hold things. We learned to admire those beautiful stitches because they worked!

With patience and perseverance, James built his sewing and drawing skills summer after summer. When his younger brother came to the program, he encouraged him with tales about his personal struggle to tame the chaos of tangling threads. He patiently helped the kids at his table.

James has asked if he could draw during breaks in the program, the way Oliver did. I look forward to sharing his designs! His artwork over the years has always had a wonderful sense of color and humor, as these photos show.

James is also a skilled D&D player. He has been organizing impromptu tabletop games with our detectives at the lunch break for years.

James will no doubt bring his sense of humor to the roleplaying we leaders do -- I am looking forward to his improv. I think he'll instinctively have both a sense of timing, suspense and humor that keeps our adventurers on their toes. I am also grateful to have his skills with yarnballs on my side -- the team will have to work to take him out of the games!