Saturday, July 18, 2015

Black Skystone of Doom - Recap

The Riddle Ravelers test their plant disguises
A meteor was fast approaching earth and the Dragon's Eye Detectives were on the move--first to the Flight of Mind Travel Agency to find Timedigger and his Tin Lizzy time machine, and then to the Atrocious Period, that little-known end of the Cretaceous Period when the dinosaurs had one last chance to save their world from the Black Skystone of Doom.

We spent the week befriending herbivores and dodging carnivores. The best advice learned along the way: Friends don't eat friends. The most hilarious game of the week? Activating our plant disguises as we ran from tree to tree across the campus quad.

Very special thanks go to Ken Walden, Lou Ensel and Max Middleton for their guest appearances as roaming spinosaurs, searching for something to eat. All they found were strange little plants cropping up across the jungle floor. Where did those Fuzztops go?

Another special thank you goes to Isaac Ensel and Drew Walden, two Mavens of Mystery who played baby quetzalcoatli (giant prehistoric pterosaurs) who turned out to be rescuers--older detectives sent to assist our Riddle Ravelers with their mission.

Humongasaura Regina in shadow puppet replay by J. Jackman
Our Dragon's Eye Adventures Facebook page has some hilarious photos of the plant disguises in the making and then in use as Isaac and Drew led the detectives from tree to tree, avoiding the spinosaurs. They left the spinosaurs so hungry, they seriously considered a vegetarian lifestyle.

The final showdown with Humongasaura Regina (Huge Lizard Queen) was yet another hilarious game of flying yarnballs and a pink purse. Max was a riot as the queen, Rebecca demonstrated her strange ninja skills at interceptions, and the children--well, they won the day! Magic ring captured, escape to 21st century achieved and Black Skystone turned aside -- all in a week's work.

Thank you, Riddle Ravelers! Your courage and determination were second only to your impressive imaginations!