Saturday, July 11, 2015

Welcome, Max Middleton, Dragon's Eye Part-Time Intern

Max Middleton in Winterlands, Session I
Dragon's Eye has had a change in personnel since the newsletter was published. Robert Choi was unable to join us this summer, but his good friend Max Middleton has stepped up to help out part-time! Max is working two jobs on campus, splitting his time between the music library and Dragon's Eye. I can't say thank you enough!

It's wonderful to have someone who has read Homer in the original Greek join the team. He comes with his own foundation of fantasy and myth -- and then adds to that a really solid instinct in working with young people. When Max stepped through the door just at the moment the children had seen a magical baby bear at that same door, the children's eyes were huge -- and Max quickly became a beloved addition to the team!

Here is Max's letter of introduction:

Hello Parents of Dragon’s Eye Adventurers,

My name is Max Middleton. I will be Rebecca’s part time helper. I am a member of the Bowdoin class of 2016, studying Classics and Music. I am a huge theater fan/fanatic, and I have performed in productions of plays and musicals at Bowdoin and around the state from a young age. I went to High School at Hebron Academy, where I was a member of the residential life team and class president. For the past few summers, I have worked with the various camps that use Hebron Academy’s campus while school is not in session. I am incredibly excited to participate in Dragon’s Eye Adventures!


Max Middleton