Saturday, June 23, 2018

Summer 2018 Preparations

This week, I had two young visitors who helped me test projects for the summer mysteries.

First, we made inventors, a special kind of Secret Keeper. They're constructed from pipe cleaners, wooden beads and Holland wool felts. Once we had the figures, we designed tiny flying contraptions for them.

Each design was different. The one pictured to the left is the Thunderbird special, complete with storm and lightning effects. We used rice paper and wooden sticks to fabricate these.

These inventors will be part of the story for Session II: DaVinci's Dragons.

Here is a second design. This one is a more modern take on wing design. This is the strongest of the three flying machines we made, with double constructions that look much like a suspension bridge for the teeny tiniest travelers to cross.

Visit the Dragon's Eye Facebook page to see one more of these little flyers -- and come back later this summer, to see how the whole group tackles this cool project.