Saturday, July 7, 2018

Summer 2018, Session I: The Dreameater -- Recap

The first week of the summer began with a new nightmare each morning. The Dream Box was opened, and something horrible was revealed, and the Detectives had to gather all the courage they could to dive into that box to investigate the source of the bad dreams.

The nightmares weren't so bad at first. How could a sweet little kitty in a tutu possibly be a nightmare? She was.

Our brave Detectives faced each nightmare with courage and a little help from Tig and company. Tig is the baby dragon who casts a magic bubble around a Detective, providing a convenient shield. The group needed Tig less and less as the week progressed.

They took down the powers of the basan, the colorful roosters who breathe fire.

They left a stone to honor an ancient tree spirit and a magical night heron who blew blue spirit bubbles that floated through the air.

They greeted ghosts with a wish for a safe journey to the Underworld.

They faced a giant spider -- and even shook it's hand ... it's paw ... it's leg. "Hello, gentle spider."

As the Detectives solved this mystery, they each had a friend they brought from home. We had a penguin, an owl, two tiny hedgehogs, a miniature leopard, a pink unicorn, a bobcat, a bear, and a rather large bunch of broccoli.

The stuffies met the Baku, the Dreameater. He gave them each the power to eat nightmares. They had a feast of nightmares before the story was done. They ate a huge, one-eyed ogre. They devoured a whole army of skeleton knights. They swallowed a rising sea of ink.

I can't tell much about the cause of the nightmares without giving away secrets for the next group to take up this mystery, so I'll have to say that all's well that ends well. This story ended well. We had a party, with potato chips and pizza, and fireworks. The nightmares ended. Sweet dreams returned.

Each Detective went home with a picture of the Baku to place under their pillow, and their stuffies are still Deputy Dreameaters, ready to dine on nightmares whenever they may occur. Visit the Dragon's Eye Adventure page on Facebook for photos of the adventure.