Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Sun Thief - February Break Mystery for Ages 6 to 16

The Sun Thief by RL McNulty
Micron Pen & Colored Pencil
Dragon's Eye will be offering a mystery for ages 6 to 16 during the February 2018 break. The program will run on Tuesday through Friday, Feb. 20 - 23, from 9 AM to 4 PM at the Landing YMCA in Brunswick. After hours are available from 4 to 5:30 on Tues through Thursday, and Friday until 5 PM.

Our mystery will be "The Sun Thief "-- a story based on Cherokee myths about the sun, horned serpents and Grandmother Spider. These stories are traditionally told only during the winter months, when the horned serpents have returned to their watering holes. Tell these stories in the summer, and the serpents will hear you and send snakes after you.

This is another series of star myths that connect the workings of the winter and summer solstices with the cycles of the stars throughout the year. The detectives will learn which constellation represents the horned serpent and what web Grandmother Spider uses to bring back the sun each year.

It's the web that needs some repairs, so Merneith the Time Raveller will be training the Detectives in the dangerous work of Time Ravelling.