Saturday, February 10, 2018

Summer 2018 Session VI: Hound and Horn

Hound and Horn
RL McNulty 2018
Micron pen, colored pencil & digital ink
Session VI of the Summer 2018 season runs from August 6 - 10, for ages 9 to 16 at Bowdoin College in Brunswick. The mystery is "Hound and Horn," a story drawn from Celtic and Russian mythologies. It is a sequel to last summer's "The Golden Cage," a Russian tale. The detectives from that case solved one problem by creating a new one, turning Koschei the Deathless into a baby and allowing Cernunnos the Horned God to take the infant home to care for him.

Cernunnos isn't normally part of "The Golden Cage." He was summoned by the magic of a detective who is fond of the chaotic god of the hunt. Every summer, Cernunnos has helped the detectives in some rather unexpected ways. His help comes at a cost. We'll discover that cost this summer, in the mystery "Hound and Horn."

We've already had hints of what's to come from the Dunraven Fair miniquests that were held last November. I can say that transporting an immortal from one mythological system to another (Russian to Celtic) sets up many intriguing questions about broken boundaries, so chances are Merneith the Time Raveler may be involved in this one.