Saturday, February 1, 2020

February Vacation 2020: The Jewel of Winter's Dreaming

The Jewel of Winter's Dreaming
by RL McNulty 2020
Micron Pen & Colored Pencil
Dragon's Eye will be offering a five-day adventure during February vacation (Feb. 17 - 21). We will be running on President's Day -- a change from past years. The program opens at 9 AM and ends at 4 PM, with After Hours available until 5:30 PM on Monday through Thursday. Detectives in grades 2 through 8 are welcome to attend. The program will be held at the Landing YMCA, 24 Venture Dr., Brunswick.

The story is "The Jewel of Winter's Dreaming." It involves the Dragon's Eye Tomtes, who are the house gnomes who guard the detectives' agencies Turf and Twig. We have met Madog the Tomte is past adventures, along with his wife, Rhosyn, and their five children.

Madog and Rhosyn have a middle daughter named Nerys. In November, Nerys brought a diamond-encrusted lizard home from the Dunraven Fair. The two have become best friends, but now, Nerys and the lizard have vanished. 
The detectives follow the clues into the lizard realms—and anyone who came to “The Lizards of Solomon’s Mines” knows that means rollercoasters, treasures of the earth, and dangers lurking underground.
We will be making tiny mining carts for our Tomtes, and accessories for our Tomte houses. Detectives should bring their Tomtes and houses! Those who don’t have one can make a Tomte to go along with their mining cart.