Saturday, February 1, 2020

Summer 2020, Session IV: The Market at Wits' End

Market_at_Wits' End
by RMcNulty, 2020
Micron pen, colored pencil
The fourth session of the summer is a five-day mystery for ages 9 to 14 called "The Market at Wits' End." The program will run on July 20 - 24, from 9 AM to 4 PM, with After Hours until 5:30 as needed. We will be in Room 314, Searles Science Building at Bowdoin College.

Detectives who solved the mystery "Goat and Ger" will recognize this story as a follow-up for that adventure. Sleuths with keen eyesight may also spot some clues about one of our favorite villains, returning with a little pocket change.

On the trail for some missing bejeebers, the Detectives follow the clues to a legendary marketplace, where all things lost and found may be purchased for a price. Unfortunately, the trail leads through the sewers of London, and those passageways have long been guarded by a host of wild, black boars. Pack your hazmat suits! 

Our projects include Wits’ End treasures for trade in the market.