Saturday, February 1, 2020

Friday, April 17: Moon Landing

Alien Robot UFO's called Skeeters
RL McNulty 2019
Vintage Oil Lamp Parts, Sculpey, Glass Cabochons
Dragon's Eye will host a one-day art program for grades 2 through 8 on Friday, April 17. This is a Professional Day for the Brunswick schools. The day will begin at 9 AM and end at 4 PM, with After Hours until 5:30 as needed.

A day of art activities based on the outer space theme for April Showers. We will be making Space Stations for UFO landings on the moon, using cardboard and junk to construct individual designs. 
For those detectives attending the "April Showers" adventure, the space stations will be part of that story. They provide a special boost to the powers of the Skeeters we'll be making that week. The photo posted here shows what Skeeters are.