Saturday, February 1, 2020

Session E: April Vacation brings mystery called "April Showers"

"April Showers"
RL McNulty 2020
Micron Pen & Colored Pencil
Dragon's Eye will offer an April vacation adventure called "April Showers" on Monday, April 20 through Friday, April 24. Detectives ages 7 to 14 (grades 2 through 8) are welcome to attend. The day begins at 9 AM and ends at 4 PM, with After Hours until 5:30 on Monday through Thursday. We're at the Landing YMCA at 24 Venture Drive in Brunswick.

This five-day adventure is a sequel to last summer’s “Junkyard Invaders.” April is the season for showers, but this year is a little different. This year, the annual Lyrid Meteor Showers bring more than rain, and a friend from Jake’s Junkyard is the first to sound the alarm. Detectives should pack their rain gear and their spacesuits for this mystery! We’re headed back to Roswell!
We will be crafting our own Skeeters  – mini aliens in flying saucers, made from old lantern parts and Sculpey. Any Detectives who have Moon Rabbits, Tomtes, Alien Robots, or Space Stations may bring them to this adventure!