Tuesday, February 13, 2018

April Vacation 2018: Terra Incognita (Ages 6 to 16)

World Tree
RL McNulty 2018
Micron pen, colored pencil & digital ink
The April vacation adventure will be held at the Landing YMCA in Brunswick, for all ages (6 to 16). The program will run on Tuesday, April 17 through Friday, April 20, from 9 AM to 4 PM. After hours will run from 4 to 5:30 on Tuesday through Thursday, and until 5 PM on Friday.

The adventure is "Terra Incognita," the unknown lands. These are the lands marked on the edges of old maps, the unexplored corners of the world where monsters dwell. These unknown lands are growing, while the known lands are shrinking. The Detectives race against time to uncover the reason before their memories of the known are lost in the mist.

Pull at the rhumb lines of this adventure, and a whole network of world tree myths emerge, with the fearsome Three at its core. Do the Detectives have the courage (or folly?) to visit the Dread Three?

Our project this week is one of my favorites: Origin maps. Each participant should bring copies (not originals) of photos of the people, places, animals of their lives. We'll be mapping out our journeys with a bookmaking project.

We will host a Friday presentation for parents at 3:30 PM. This will be an exhibit of the group's origin maps.