Monday, February 12, 2018

Summer 2018, Session II: DaVinci's Dragons

What Dragons?
RL McNulty 2018
Micron pen, colored pencil & digital ink
Session II of the Summer 2018 season runs from July 9 - 13 at Bowdoin College in Brunswick. Our adventure will be "DaVinci's Dragons." The story draws on Italian Renaissance legends about the artist Leonardo DaVinci.

The Detectives are called to New York City to investigate the disappearance of a brass globe. Clues lead them into the fairy realms and then back in time to the Renaissance studio of the great Leonardo. Fey dragons, fairies and famous artists -- what's not to love about this adventure?

Oh! I almost forgot to mention the gadgets. We can't visit Leonardo without making some cool and artsy gadgets and gizmos.