Monday, February 12, 2018

Summer 2018, Session I: The Dreameater

The Baku
RL McNulty 2018
Micron pen, colored pencil & digital ink
Session I of the Summer 2018 season runs from July 2-6 at Bowdoin College in Brunswick. This is a four day adventure, with July 4 off as a holiday.

The mystery is called "The Dreameater." It draws on Japanese myths. Detectives should select one small and brave stuffed animal to bring to this adventure as a guest in the story.

Stormclouds full of nightmares gather in the Dreamtime, sending the Detectives on a quest for the legendary Baku, the Dreameater who feeds on nightmares. This elusive and shy creature inhabits the farthest reaches of the Dreamtime, the corners where many mortals fear to tread. Not our brave adventurers! Armed with their Courage Stones, our Detectives will dive right into the maelstrom, searching for the one who can help them defeat the Nightmare Maker.

Our stuffed animals will return home bolstered with enhanced nightmare deflection skills.