Monday, February 12, 2018

Summer 2018 Session IV: The Rag and Bone Man

The Rag and Bone Man
RL McNulty 2018
Micron pen, colored pencil & digital ink
Session V from the Summer 2018 season runs from July 23-27 for ages 9 to 16 at Bowdoin College in Brunswick. It features a story called "The Rag and Bone Man." The rag and bone men traveled from house to house, buying old bones, rags, metal scrap and other household junk. They would sell the rags for making paper; and the bones were used to make handles for knives and other items. Soap was made from the grease. The metal scraps were the most valuable items, helping the ragpickers stay alive.

Our mystery involves a legendary rag and bone man from 19th century England. He and his horse made their way through the streets of London, and magic followed where they went. Madame Drak will be sending our Detectives on a mission to uncover some of the secrets of rag and bone magic. It's a grubby journey best undertaken by those who have no problem with mud pies.