Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Summer 2019 Session I: Black Skystone of Doom

Humongasaura Regina
Micron pen and colored pencil
RL McNulty 2019
Dragon's Eye Adventures will begin the 2019 summer session with a mystery called "Black Skystone of Doom." The program for ages 7 to 10 will run from 9 AM to 4 PM on July 1 through 5. We will be closed on Thursday, July 4.

This is a beloved adventure, run many times as a favorite among the dinosaur-loving crowd. A meteor threatens to collide with earth, sending our detectives back in time to the Atrocious Period. This little-known era lies at the very end of the Cretaceous Period, when the dinosaurs were threatened with extinction.

Will the detectives find the legendary jewel that turns aside the black skystone of doom, or will Humongasaura Regina (Big Lizard Queen) enjoy a very rare and tasty mammalian snack? Only time will tell ... and that's in short supply this summer!

Our projects include vegan haberdashery in the latest herbivorean style, and fossilized cipher stones.