Saturday, March 2, 2019

The Night Parade - April Vacation

The Night Parade
Micron pen and colored pencil
RL McNulty 2019
Our April vacation mystery will be "The Night Parade." The adventure runs from Tuesday, April 16 through Friday, April 19, from 9 AM to 4 PM. After hours are available until 5:30 PM on Tuesday through Thursday. Detectives in grades 1 through 8 are welcome!

This is the final adventure in our gentleman caller series, and hopefully the one where the detectives learn how to encourage their guest to move out of the Dragon's Eye Detectives' Agency.

The Gentleman Caller has failed in his attempts to wrest the Twig and Turf from Madog, the Tomte, so he turns to his next plan: To turn the detectives and their Tomtes into Yokai. This wouldn't be so bad, if he turned them into the nice Yokai, like the Baku or the Kirin, but this isn't his plan. He's aiming for the nastier variety of demons, like the Oni.

Rebecca the Dragonmage for the agency has disappeared on an underworld errand for Nurarihyon the Gentleman Caller. The detectives will have to fight their own transforming loyalties, to find her and help her return with the solution to their problems.

Will they succeed or will the agency devolve into the Demon's Eye Detectives' Agency?