Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Summer 2019 Session IV: The Lizards of Solomon's Mines

Lizards of Solomon's Mine
Micron pen, colored pencil
RL McNulty 2019
Session IV of the Dragon's Eye Adventures 2019 summer program will be held from 9 AM to 4 PM on July 22 through 26, at Bowdoin College. This is a program for ages 9 to 14.

The mystery is "The Lizards of Solomon's Mines." It combines Dragon's Eye tales about lizards and the jewels that power our magic, and Jewish legends about King Solomon.

King Solomon was a legendary ruler of ancient Israel, renowned for his wisdom, magic, and wealth. He owned a gold mine called Ophir, the source of much of his wealth. Many have searched for it, but no one has found it--mostly because they failed to ask the lizards.

Now, the lizards need help, and the detectives must investigate the troubles brewing deep inside Solomon's mines. A visit to the king may be in order, as the detectives learn about the trouble connected to Solomon's infamous ring.

Our projects will include lizards and enchanted rings.