Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Summer 2019 Session VI: The Beekeeper at the Crossroads of Time

The Beekeeper
Micron pen, colored pencil, ink
RL McNulty 2019
Session VI runs from 9 AM to 4 PM on Aug 5 - 9, 2019, at Bowdoin College. This program for ages 9 to 14 features the adventure called "The Beekeeper at the Crossroads of Time."

This is a mystery that has been mulling in the background of my mind for many years. I've been collecting books on bees and beekeeping, and searching mythology for the stories that intrigue my sense of curiosity. My research into the Greek myths has led to some fascinating ties between the bees and some of my favorite ancient Greek sites.

The results are this emerging story about a mysterious keeper of bees:

When the center begins to crumble, the detectives travel to ancient Greece in search of the Beekeeper at the Crossroads of Time. Only she can help them prevent the collapse of civilization. It's all about the bees. The bees hold the secrets. Let's hope our heroes speak lingua apes, the language of the bees.

Our projects this week are still under development. I'm pretty sure bees will be the theme. Omphalos stones and honey bee amulets are possibilities--but I always reserve the right to flashes of inspiration!