Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Summer 2019 Session V: Goat and Ger

Goat and Ger
Micron pen and colored pencil
RL McNulty 2019
"Goat and Ger" is the title of the fifth mystery of the Dragon's Eye Summer 2019 program. This session runs from 9 AM to 4 PM on July 29 through August 2, at Bowdoin College. Detectives ages 9 to 14 are welcome!

The story arises from an earlier adventure called "The Wind Horse," drawing on the history and legends surrounding the descendants of Genghis Khan.

Somewhere in Mongolia is a cart pulled by an old goat. On the back of the cart is a ger, a tent-like shrine to Mother Earth. The existence and location of this shrine are closely guarded secrets. Many deny that the traveling shrine even exists. Yet now, the detectives must find it, to save the shrine from an ancient threat that rises once again.

Our projects will include some kind of rag and bone relic. Yes, rag and bone magic will be a part of this mystery, and a certain Grey Mare may make an appearance.