Monday, March 4, 2019

Summer 2019 Session VII: Junkyard Invaders

Junkyard Invaders
Micron pen and colored pencil
RL McNulty 2019
Session VII of the Summer 2019 Season will be held at the Landing YMCA in Brunswick. This program for ages 7 to 14 features a new mystery called "Junkyard Invaders."

This mystery has been inspired by years of delving through fleamarkets, rag and bone shops, and antique malls searching for the lost discards that speak of hidden lives and treasures of the heart. Combine this with midcentury myths of alien invaders, and a story is born.

Our detectives travel to New Mexico to investigate an alien invasion of a junkyard. They find lots of junk, and the strangest little creatures this side of the Milky Way. Can our team stop the invasion or will earth be overrun by invaders from a galaxy far, far away?

Our projects this week include building our own alien robots from discarded junk. Please bring bits of vintage flotsam and jetsam to this adventure, for constructing 7" to 9" robots. Small bits of brass and tin parts, old spice tins or food cans from the 30s through 50s, small lamp parts, and other items are welcome -- and I will be providing other bits as well!

We'll be pooling our resources, so the whole group can construct amazing little robots that come to life! If any parents, grandparents, older siblings or others wish to help with the construction, Oliver and I would love the help! We'll be building Tuesday through Friday mornings from 9 AM to 10:30 AM.

Here is a link to the Dragon's Eye Facebook album I've made, showing the kind of parts I've been collecting for the alien robots we're going to meet:  Alien Robots In The Making.