Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Summer 2019 Session III: Indra's Net

Indra's Net
Micron pen, colored pencil & digital ink
RL McNulty 2019
Session III of the Dragon's Eye summer program will feature an adventure for ages 9 to 14. The program will run from 9 AM to 4 PM on July 15 through July19, at Bowdoin College.

Our mystery will be "Indra's Net."

Indra, the Vedic god of storms from ancient India, lives in a palace on Mount Meru, the sacred mountain. Above his abode hangs a shining net of jewels. Each jewel is reflected in each of the other jewels.

When the net begins to fray, the detectives travel into the heavens to investigate, but the storms of time are working against them. Can they save the universe, before the net begins to fall to pieces?

Our projects this week may include elephant cloud amulets and jeweled nets. Elephants will be a theme of the week, in particular the cloud elephants.